Monday, February 15, 2010

Better Late than Never

Halloween 2009

Easter 2009

6 month photos

6 months and 3 year photos

6 month and 3 year photos

He loves the sprinkler

2 year photos

His 2nd Halloween

His first mud pie

Wesley and CiCi's first picture together

Caroline birthday

Jason and Wesley (9 days old)

Wesley birthday

Wesley Birthday 1

So I'm only about 3 1/2 years late on my blogging. But I thought, hey, it's better late than never. So I suppose this being my first blog, I'll give you the past 3 1/2 years in a nutshell. Wesley was born 8/21/06 and Caroline was born 2/24/09. Wesley weighed in at 7lbs 9oz and was 20.5". He was born at 5:39pm. Caroline weighed in at 7lbs 12oz and was 21". She was born at 9:12am. Both were born by C-Section. For the most part they have been healthy babies, but plagued with ear infections. Wesley ended up with tubes shortly after he turned 18 months. Caroline has had 3 infections to date, but hopefully we won't get to tubes. Wesley started walking 5 days after his first birthday. Caroline is not walking yet, but she has figured that she can stand without holding on to something.
Life with Wesley is great. He's fun, entertaining, full of life and reminds me to live for the day. He loves his sister with all his heart, and his parents most of the time. He's into Spiderman, Cars, Nemo, Transformers, Toy Story (my personal favorite), Max and Ruby, and Spongebob to name a few. He goes to daycare and they have class upstairs. So presently he knows his colors, he can count to 20 on a good day, has learned to cut with scissors, and pretty much the normal pre-school stuff. He's definitely his father's son, in that he loves to snack. And when he's finished he always says, "I think I need somefing else." My other favorite phrase is when I tell him I don't think so, he says "Why for mommy?"
Caroline is a completely different breed. I didn't know what to do with myself when I found out I was going to have a girl. But let me tell you, it's one of the greatest pleasures. She is MY WOMAN! She's so much more than what I had hope for. She can definitely hold her own. When I talk to her and examine some of her expressions, I feel as though she's been here before. She just feels like a very old soul, deep in thought. She loves her brother as much as he loves her, but she wants her personal space. It's hilarious when she comes out swinging. She's started to relate, people and objects to their name, but she's just doing alot of babbling right now. Her favorite thing is definitely eating! Amazing what she can throw down!
I've attached some of my favorite pictures over Wesley's 3 1/2 years, and Caroline's 1st year. Enjoy and look for my next post soon:)